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The Bearded World Meets 2013 in LE!

In my function as President from “Belle Moustache” I have the privilege to invite bearded men from all over the world to the coming WORLD BEARD AND MOUSTACHE CHAMPIONSHIPS 2013 to Leinfelden-Echterdingen, close to Stuttgart, Germany. Regarding number of participants as well as the media interest we already today can predict a top class event. We can offer optimum conditions. We are conveniently placed for transport (Airplane, Train, Subway, Car). The Filderhalle in Leinfelden proved itself during EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS 2008 and INTERNATIONAL GERMAN CHAMPIONSHIPS 2011. In LE you will find numerous of hotels in all price categories. As there are legal holidays in front of the event, we will conceive everything that our guests will keep this event long time in memory. For the first time the so-called “Trend-Beard” will be component of a world-championship. This category has been launched by our club with success during the INTERNATIONAL GERMAN CHAMPIONSHIPS 2011. In this new category razors and shavers are more required than creams, waxes or sprays. Also this will lead to exiting competitions where bearded men all age groups can compete in 18 several categories. The Beard & Culture Club “Belle Moustache” invites you hearty to this event and would be happy to see you at 2nd November 2013 at Filderhalle in Leinfelden-Echterdingen.

With best regards from LE!
President Jürgen Burkhardt

You can not come to the WORLD BEARD & MOUSTACHE CHAMPIONSHIPS 2013? You will not miss anything. From 11.30 clock until the awards ceremony, you can track everything in our live stream on the internet.

PS: Registration is still up to the second November 2013 in the period 9-11 clock possible in the Filderhalle! Please register at this time.

If you want NEWS or information, please send us a Mail.

Thanks our sponsors:

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© Photos & Design by Jürgen Burkhardt, Postfach 300109, 70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen

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2. November 2013 in the Filderhalle in Leinfelden-Echterdingen